

[Invited]  Large Magnetotransport Responses and Spintronic Functionalities of Topological van der Waals Ferromagnets

49th Conference on the Physics and Cheminstry of Surfaces and Interfaces, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, Jan. 14-18, 2024

[Invited]  Pressure-driven magnetic and superconducting transition in a nodal-line ferrimagnet Mn3Si2Te6

Quantum Materials Symposium 2024, Yongpyong, Korea, Feb 18 ~ 23, 2024, 

[Invited] Novel magentotransport properties of topological nodal-line fermions

The Korea-Europe Workshop on QuantumMaterials, Stuttgart, Germany,  Sep.  9-11, 2024

[Invited]  Pressure-driven magnetic and superconducting transitions in a nodal-line ferrimagnet Mn3Si2Te6 

The 4th Korea-China Symposium on High Pressure: Quantum Materials at Extreme conditions, Pusan, Korea,  Oct.  27-31, 2024

[Invited] Large anomalous Hall effect induced by spin-chirality fluctuation in an ultraclean frustrated antiferromagnet PdCrO2 

15th APCTP-IACS-KIAS Joint Conference on Emergent Phenomena in Novel Oxide Materials and Low Dimensional Systems, Seoul, Kore, Nov. 19 - 21, 2024


[Invited] Large and Tunable Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties in Topological Magnets

7th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 31-Nob. 3, 2023

[Invited] Novel Magnetotransport Responses of Isolated Topological Nodal-line Fermions 

Recent Progress in Quantum Materials, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA, Oct. 8-12, 2023

[Invited] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets

Material Aspects of Novel Quantum Systems, Stuttgart, Germany, Sep.11-13, 2023 

[Invited] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets

The 4th Workshop on Functional Materials Science,  Busan, Korea, June 18 -21, 2023

[Invited] Novel Magnetotransport Responses of Isolated Topological Nodal-line Fermions 

Compound Semiconductor Week 2023, Jeju, Korea, May 29 -June 2, 2023

[Invited] Novel Magnetotransport Responses of Isolated Topological Nodal-line Fermions 

The 6th UK-KOREA Research Conference,  Yongpyong, Korea, Mar. 21-23, 2023

[Invited] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets

Quantum Material Symposium, Yongpyung,  Korea, Feb. 5-10, 2023


[Invited] Quantum transport evidence of isolated topological nodal-line fermions

13th APCTP-IACS-KIAS Joint Conference on Emergent Phenomena in Novel Oxide Materials and Low Dimensional Systems, Pohang, Korea,  Dec.1-3, 2022 

[Invited] Superconductivity emerging from a stripe charge order in IrTe2 nanoflakes

Pacific Rim International Conference on Superconducting Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, online, Sep. 22- 23, 2022

[Invited] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets 

IBS-APCTP Conference on Advances in the Physics of Topological & Correlated Matter, Daejeon, Korea, Sep. 19-23 2022.

[Plenary] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets

The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Seoul, Korea,  Aug. 21-26, 2022.

[Invited] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets 

Samsung Global Research Symposium, Napa, California, USA, Aug. 5-7, 2022

[Invited] Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets

UK-Korea Bilateral International Meeting, online, UK,  Feb. 14-16, 2022.


[Invited] "Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological van Der Waals Magnets"

Oxide Superspin 2021,  Kyto Japan, Dec. 13-17, 2021. 

[Invited] "Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological van Der Waals Magnets"

The International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 6-10, 2021.

[Invited] "Pressure-induced Phase Transition in Topological van der Waals Magnets"

10th Asian Conference on High Pressure Research, online,  Nov. 21-25,  2021.

[Invited] "Large magnetotransport Responses of Topological Van Der Waals Magnets"

The 6th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials, Jeju, Korea, Nov 9-12, 2021.

[Invited] “Giant topological response on van der Waals magnets” 

Correlated Electrons Virtual International Seminars (CEVIS), online May 13, 2021.


[Invited] “High in-plane field induced phase transitions in FeSe” 

Asia-Pacific Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields 2020, online, Japan, Dec. 1-3 2020

[Invited] “Tunable magnetic and topological properties of iron-based van der Waals magnets” 

6th International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 1-4 2020

[Invited] “Tunable magnetic and topological properties of iron-based van der Waals magnets” 

2nd International Workshop on Theoretical Developments and Experimental Progresses in Quantum Matter – Emergent Phenomena, Shanghai, China, Aug. 24-28 2020


[Invited] "Topological and ferromagnetic properties on iron-based van der Waals magnets"

The 11th Recent Progress in Graphene and Two-dimensional Materials Research Conference, Matsue, Japan, Oct. 6-10, 2019

[Invited] "Topological and ferromagnetic properties on iron-based van der Waals magnets"

International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems. Okayama, Japan, Sep. 23-28, 2019

[Invited] Topological and Ferromagnetic Properties of Iron-based van der Waals Metals

11th International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 17-24, 2019

[Invited] "Phase diagram of a hetero-structured iron-based superconductor Sr2VO3FeAs"

5th Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Lijang, China, Jun. 27-30, 2019

[Invited] "Phase diagram of a hetero-structured iron-based superconductor Sr2VO3FeAs"

APS March meeting, Boston, USA, Mar. 4-8, 2019

[Invited] "Topological and ferromagnetic iron-based van der Waals materials"

APCTP-KIAS Quantum Materials Symposium, Yongpyung, Korea, Feb. 10-15, 2019

[Invited] "Topological and ferromagnetic iron-based van der Waals materials"

5th Muju Winter International Winter School, Muju, Korea, Jan. 21-24, 2019


[Invited] "Ferromagnetic Van der Waals Metal Fe3GeTe2: from Bulk to Atomically Thin Crystals"

1st A3 International Workshop on 2D Materials, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 15-17, 2018

[Invited] "Large anomalous Hall current induced by topological nodal-line in a ferromagnetic van der Waals semimetal"

European Material Research Society Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, Sep. 17-20, 2018

[Invited] "Large anomalous Hall current induced by topological nodal-line in a ferromagnetic van der Waals semimetal"

International Conference of Synthetic Metals, Pusan, Korea, July 1-6, 2018


[Invited] "Ferromagnetic Van der Waals Metal Fe3GeTe2: from Bulk to Atomically Thin Crystals"

International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 5-8, 2017

[Invited] "Upper critical fields of iron-based superconductors"

Asian Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 5-8, 2017

[Invited] "Frustration-driven C4 symmetric orders in a heterostructred iron-based superconductor"

International Workshop on Recent Progress of Superconductivity, Yongpyung, Korea, July 2-4, 2017

[Invited] "Ferromagnetic Van der Waals Metal Fe3GeTe2: from Bulk to Atomically Thin Crystals"

Quantum Materials Symposium, Yongpyung, Korea, Feb.  19-24, 2017

[Invited] "Ferromagnetic Van der Waals Metal Fe3GeTe2: from Bulk to Atomically Thin Crystals"

Frontiers of 2D materials: Science and Materials (American vacuum society-Taiwan symposium), Tamsui, Taiwan, Jan. 16-17 , 2017


[Invited] "Unusual electronic phase transitions of the iron pnictide layers in.the proximity of the Mott-insulating layers"

Workshop on Pairing Interaction of High Temperature Superconductors, Suwon, Korea, Nov.  7-9 , 2016

[Invited] "Novel phase transitions in layered metal chalcogenides: from bulk to atomically thin crystals"

8th  International Conference on Recent Progress in Greaphene/2D research, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 25-29, 2016

[Invited] "Novel phase transitions in layered metal chacogenides: from bulk to atomically thin crystals"

Recent Developments in 2D systems, Okinawa, Japan, April. 4-8, 2016

[Invited] "Novel phase transitions in layered metal chacogenides: from bulk to atomically thin crystals"

16th Japan-Korea-Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 18-20, 2016


[Invited] "Novel phase transitions in layered metal chacogenides: from bulk to atomically thin crystals"

9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 7-9, 2015

[Invited] "Highly Anisotropic Dirac Fermions and their Magentic Field Induced Valley Polarization in SrMnBi2"

11th International Conference on Research in High Magnetic Fields, Grenoble, France, July 1-4, 2015

[Invited] "Novel anisotropic Dirac materials: AMnBi2"

8th Workshop for Emergent Materials Research, Pohang, Korea, July 1-2, 2015

[Invited] "Quantum Hall Effect in Twisted Bilayer Graphene with Breakdown of the Interlayer Coherence"

The International Symposium on Carbon Electronics, Pusan, Korea, May 11-12, 2015

[Invited] "Magentic Field Induced Valley Polarization in SrMnBi2"

15th Taiwan-Japan-Korea Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 27-29, 2015

[Invited] "Valley-Polarized Interlayer Conduction of Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in SrMnBi2"

American Physical Society March Meeting 2015, San Antonio, USA, Mar. 2-6, 2015

[invited] " Coexistence of high-Tc superconductivity and ferromagnetism in a natural heterostructure Sr2VO3FeAs"

Quantum Materials Symposium 2015, Muju, Korea, Feb. 8-13, 2015


[Invited] "Coexistence of high-Tc superconductivity and weak ferromagnetism in Sr2VO3FeAs"

6th IACS-APCTP Joint Conference on Novel Oxide Materials and Low Dimensional Systems, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 17- 20, 2014

[Invited] "Breakdown of the Interlayer Coherence and its Consequence on Quantum Hall Effects in Twisted Bilayer Graphene"

International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environments, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 16-19, 2014

[invited] "Chiral electronic structures in quasi-two-dimensional Bi-based layered compounds"

7th Workshop for Emergent Materials Research, Pohang, Korea, July 9-11, 2014


[Invited] “Quantum oscillations of a metallic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet, PdCrO2” 

5th International Conference on Novel Oxide Materials and Low Dimensional Systems, Bangalore, India, Dec. 9 -11, 2013

[Invited] “Quantum oscillations of Bi-based spin-chiral electronic materials at high magnetic fields” 

International Workshop for Young Researchers on Topological Quantum Phenomena in Condensed Matter with Broken Symmetries, Okinawa, Japan, Oct. 22-26, 2013

[Invited] "Quantum oscillations of spin-chiral electronic materials at high magnetic fields” 

14th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, Kyungjoo, Korea, June 30- July 5, 2013

[invited] "Quantum oscillations of a metallic triangular-lattice antiferromagnet, PdCrO2 at high magnetic fields"

6th workshop for Emergent Materials Research, Pohang, Korea, June 26-28, 2013


[Invited] “Quantum oscillations of Bi-based spin-chiral electronic materials” 

11th A3 Workshop on Novel Properties of Complex Oxides, Shanghai, China, Nov. 2012

[Invited] "Quantum oscillations of spin-chiral states in Bi-based layered compounds"

4th International Conference on Novel Oxide Materials and Low Dimensional Systems, Pohang, Korea, Nov. 2012

[invited] "Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in a Bi Square Net of AMnBi2 Single Crystals"

5th workshop for Emergent Materials Research, Pohang, Korea, July 6-8, 2012

[Invited] "Breakdown of the interlayer coherence in twisted bilayer graphene"

The International Symposium on Carbon Electronics, Seoul, Korea, May 28-29, 2012

[Invited] “Highly anisotropic Dirac Fermions in a Bi squre net of SrMnBi2 single crystal”

International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, Istanbul, Turkey, April 29 - May 5, 2012

[Invited] "Anisotropic Dirac fermions in a Bi square net of AMnBi2 single crystals"

12th Korea-Japan-Taiwan symposium on Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, March 15-18, 2012

[contributed] "Anisotropic Dirac fermions in a Bi square net of SrMnBi2 single crystals "

American Physical Society March Meeting, Boston, USA, Feb 27- Mar. 3, 2012


[Invited]  “Anisotropic Dirac Fermions in a Bi Square Net of AMnBi2 Single Crystals (A = Alkaline earths)” 

9th A3 workshop on strongly correlated materials, Hainan, China, Dec. 2011.

[Invited]  “Dirac Fermions in a Bi squre net of SrMnBi2 single crystal”, 

3rd International conference on Novel Electronic Materials, Wuhan, China, June 2011

[Invited]  “Novel electronic properties of Ru-doped BaFe2As2 andSr2VO3FeAs”, 

11th Korea-Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron system, Jeju, Korea, Jan. 2011


[Invited]  “Exploring phase diagram of Fe-pnictides”, 

3rd International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationships in Solid State Materials, Stuttgart, Germany, July 2010

[Invited]  "Phase diagram of impurity-doped Fe-pnictides"

APCTP – A3 Workshop on Frontiers in Electronic Quantum Matter, Seoul, Feb. 2-5, 2010


[Invited]  “Superconductivity in AC6 and AFe2As2” 

Asian Pacific Workshop for strongly correlated systems, Namhae, Korea, Feb. 2009

2006-2008  [Publications of Prof. J.S.Kim before POSTECH]

[Invited]  "Magnetic Effects on the Metallic Interface between the Mott- and Band- Insulating Oxides”, 2008 Villa Conference on Complex Oxide Heterostructures, Orlando, USA, Nov. 2008

[Invited]  “Superconductivity in Hexagonal Layered Compounds”, 

The 1st German-Estonian Bilateral meeting, Tartu, Estonia, May 2008

[Invited]  “Superconductivity in Alkaline Earth Intercalated Graphites” 

The 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, Salt Lake City, USA, August 2007

[Invited]  “Electron-Phonon Coupling and Superconductivity in Graphite Intercalation Compounds” 

Ab-initio approaches to electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity, San-Sebastian, Spain, May 2007.

[Invited]  “Superconductivity in Alkaline Earth Intercalated Graphites”, 

American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, USA, March 2007.

[Invited]  “Superconductivity in Ca- and Sr- intercalated Graphites”, 

STRIPE 2006, Rome, Italy Dec 2006.

[Invited]  “Effects of Pressure on Superconductivity in Ca-Intercalated Graphites ”, 

European High Pressure Research Conference, Prague, Czech Rep., Sep. 2006.

[Invited]  “Superconductivity in Ca-intercalated Graphites”, 

M2S-HTSC, Dresden, Germany, July 2006.